My artwork
About Me

Here is all you need to know about me...


About Me | Favorite Links | Contact Me | Samples 1 | Samples 2 | Samples 3
My name is Stephanie. I am in my early twenties. I have a little boy. I live in the Midwest.

I was born in Portsmouth, Virginia. My dad brought me to the Midwest when I was nine. Went to Vincennes University after High School. I am a graphic designer/artist.



You have it easily in your power to increase the sum total of this world's happiness now. How? By giving a few words of sincere appreciation to someone who is lonely or discouraged. Perhaps you will forget tomorrow the kind words you say today, but the recipient may cherish them over a lifetime.
-- Dale Carnegie


Here's a list of some of my favorite movies:

Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring, The Two Towers, Spaceballs, Fifth Element, Pearl Harbor, Mrs. Doubtfire, just to name a few.

Here's a list of some of my favorite music:

Whatever is on the radio, 1970's bands, anything that doesn't give me a headache :P